Relativity Gives us Quantum Nonlocality and Entanglement — As All “Quantum Eraser” Experiments take Place within a McGucken Sphere, All “Quantum Eraser” Experiments Exhibit the Same Basic Physics Observed in the Double Slit Experiment which also Takes Place in a McGucken Sphere


Relativity tells us that the photon experiences no time in its frame. And too, relativity tells us that the photon experiences no space in its frame. Thus, to a photon, the spatial distance between any two points is zero. And too, in the photon’s frame, it takes no time to travel between any two points. Ergo relativity gives us quantum nonlocality and entanglement.

As the photon sees no space nor time between any two points, these points are at the same place to the photon. So it is that within a light sphere, or a McGucken Sphere, there always exists a frame where there is no time nor distance between any two events. Thus, that which is considered “the past,” in any quantum eraser or double slit experiment, may easily be considered the present. And that which is considered to be a great distance may be considered to be no distance at all. And so it is that relativity gives us nonlocality, as both relativity and quantum nonloality rest upon the deeper foundations of a fourth expanding dimension given by dx4/dt=ic.

The McGucken Sphere is defined by a sphere whose radius is expanding at the velocity of light, as represented by the equation dx4/dt=ic. The McGucken Sphere represents the expansion of the fourth dimension x4 at the rate of c, as given by Einstein’s/ Minkowski’s/ Poincare’s x4=ict or McGucken‘s dx4/dt=ic.

The McGucken Sphere represents the expansion of the fourth dimension x4 at the rate of c, as given by Einstein’s/ Minkowski’s/ Poincare’s x4=ict or McGucken‘s dx4/dt=ic. No matter how large the sphere grows, the photon remains in the same place in the fourth dimension x4, thusly demonstrating that x4 is moving and expanding.

From the McGucken Principle of the fourth expanding dimension, the following physical phenomena naturally arise: time and all its arrows and asymmetries, relativity, quantum mechanics’ nonlocality, entanglement, & probability, the second law of thermodynamics, dark energy, dark matter, Huygens Principle, the expansive nature of radiation and light, and the expansive nature of the quantum wave function.

Thus the simple principle of the fourth expanding dimension provides a most powerful unifying force, while also proving a common physical mechanism underlying physically observed phenomena across all realms.


Returning Logos and Mathematical & Geometrical Proofs to Physics

ALBERT EINSTEIN: A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is (dx4/dt=ic), the more different kinds of things it relates (quantum mechanics, relativity, time’s arrows, entanglement, nonlocality, the second law of thermodynamics) and the more extended is its area of applicability.

GALILEO: In the sciences the authority of thousands of opinions is not worth as much as one tiny spark of reason in an individual man.

Galileo was persecuted for stating that the earth moves around the sun. After being forced to recant his view before the Inquisition, legend has it that he whispered “And yet it moves (E pur si muove”),” as he walked away from his sentencing. And so it is that proposing a hitherto unrecognized motion, such as the motion of the fourth dimension relative to the three spatial dimensions, is a most dangerous and rebellious thing. Thankfully we have formal Logic, Geometry, and Mathematics on our side. And too, we have the empirical observations spanning physical phenomena in quantum mechanics, relativity, the second law of thermodynamics, and time and all its arrows and asymmetries.

Proof of Light Time Dimension Theory’s Principle: The fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c relative to the three spatial dimensions, as given by Einstein’s x4=ict which means exactly this: dx4/dt=ic.

EQUATION: dx4/dt=ic

1. The magnitude of the velocity of every object through the four dimensions of spacetime is c.
2. The faster an object moves through the three spatial dimensions,
the slower it moves through the fourth dimension.
3. As an object’s velocity approaches c through the three spatial
dimensions, its velocity through the fourth dimension must
approach zero.
4. Ergo light remains stationary in the fourth dimension x4.
5. Thus photons of light track and trace the movement and
character of x4.
6. As light is a spherically-symmetric, probabilistic wavefront
expanding at c, x4 expands at the rate of c in a spherically-
symmetric manner, distributing locality into nonlocality.

Einstein/Minkowski wrote x4=ict, naturally implying dx4/dt=ic.

“More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken’s I have never seen in any senior or graduate student. . . Originality, powerful motivation, and a can-do spirit make me think that McGucken is a top bet.” Dr. John Archibald Wheeler, Princeton University’s Joseph Henry Professor of Physics


Join Dr. E on a fantastic journey on towards the hitherto unsung secrets of time, whence time’s arrows and asymmetries across all realms are exalted and unified via the novel physical principle of a fourth expanding dimension. The principle also naturally gives us all of relativity and quantum mechanics.

LTD Theory liberates us from the frozen block universe while granting us free will. As this book’s epic journey spans time’s far-ranging presence throughout all of physics, it naturally includes forays to the edges of multiple frontiers including relativity, space-time diagrams, entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, cosmological time, and the quantum. Wherever time flows, this book goes, ultimately demonstrating that all notions of time are yet unified by a simple, physical principle.

Time throughout all realms–from quantum mechanics, to relativity, to the second law of thermodynamics, to psychological time, to cosmological time–are all unified via a deeper physical reality. Relativity and quantum entanglement are both shown to spring from this very same foundational reality which also exalts time.

There exist many books which promise deep insights into the “physics of time.” But none of them deliver anything in the way of an actual physical mechanism powering and driving time and all its arrows and asymmetries. Unlike this book, none of them give a deeper, causal apparatus for time’s flow throughout all realms.

Sadly, all too many prominent physicists use the misconstrued “Block Universe” interpretation of relativity as a sledgehammer to try and deny time. They go so far as to even deny time’s obvious arrows and its constant, one-way flow. They deny any difference between the past, present, and future.

Well, Light Time Dimension Theory acknowledges and celebrates time in all her glory. Beginning with a simple principle, this book exalts all that is known about time’s arrows in relativity and quantum mechanics, the steady increase of entropy, the second law of thermodynamics, and relativity. LTD Theory agrees with the Standard Model and all observable physics. And LTD defines time thusly:

Time: Time and all its arrows and asymmetries are defined by irreversible physical occurrences resting upon and driven by the expansion of the fourth dimension relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, as given by dx4/dt=ic.

The Principle of LTD Theory: The fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c relative to the three spatial dimensions.

Throughout the rugged, exalted book, we will celebrate the far-ranging, physical unifications of this simple, *physical* model. We will use the simple principle to exalt a wide range of physical mechanisms and commonsense explanations for time and all its arrows and asymmetries, from quantum probability, nonlocality, and entanglement, to relativistic time dilation and length contraction, to the equivalence of mass and energy, to the second law of thermodynamics, to dark energy and the vacuum energy, to so very much more!

In physics and photography alike, award-winning physicist Dr. E has always chased the light. Dr. E received the Judith Resnik Memorial Scholarship which helped him attend Princeton University to study physics. Dr. E’s Ph.D. research on an artificial retina for the blind, titled Multiple Unit Artificial Retina Chipset to aid the Visually Impaired and Enhanced Holed-Emitter CMOS phototransistors, received several Fight-for-Sight and NSF grants, as well as a Merrill Lynch Innovations award. The technology is now helping the blind see.



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