Dante Envisioned the McGucken Principle of the Fourth Expanding Dimension dx4/dt=ic: The Fourth Dimension is Expanding at the Velocity of Light c.
As seen throughout the paintings inspired by Dante’s Divine Comedy, Dante envisioned the McGucken Principle — the expansion of the fourth dimension dx4/dt=ic as given by Einstein’s x4=ict! And as the expansion of the fourth dimension gives rise to the spacetime metric (all of relativity), time and its one-way arrows, and quantum nonlocality, probability, and entanglement, the expansion of the fourth dimension thusly provides a unifying foundation for seemingly-diverse fields of physics.
Dante envisioned the expansion of the fourth dimension with:
Paradiso: A point beheld I, that was raying out… a halo cincturing the light that paints it… Thus distant round the point a circle of fire…And this was by another circumcinct …. That by a third, the third by a fourth, By a fifth the fourth, and by a sixth the fifth.. .
In the same way Newton was the first to sketch the gravitational orbits of cannonballs and Faraday was the first to sketch electric and magnetic fields and the invisible “lines of force,” Dr. E the first to draw the expansion of the fourth dimension. And in doing so, he recognized that x4’s expansion was responsible for the basic characteristics of quantum mechanics, relativity, and the second law of thermodynamics. Via the simple sketch, Dr. E found a doorway to the deeper physical reality underlying and unifying relativity, quantum mechanical behavior, and time’s arrows and asymmetries.
HUYGENS’ PRINCIPLE: Every point upon the spherical wave defined by a luminous disturbance becomes a source of a spherical wave.
MCGUCKEN’S PRINCIPLE: Every point upon the spherical wave defined by the expansion of the fourth dimension becomes a source of an expanding spherical wave carrying the fourth dimension’s expansion at the rate of c.
Not only does LTD Theory celebrate how simple drawings have ever advanced and revolutionized physics, from Thomas Young’s sketch of the double slit experiment to Faraday’s sketches of the electric and magnetic fields, but it also exalts a brand new theory — Light Time Dimension Theory — exalting and advancing science by these very same, simple methods rooted in simple, physical pictures and ideas.
Just as Newton revolutionized our understanding of gravity via a remarkably simple physical picture, so did Einstein, writing, “I was sitting in a chair in the patent office at Bern when all of a sudden a thought occurred to me: “If a person falls freely he will not feel his own weight. I was startled. This simple thought made a deep impression on me. It impelled me toward a theory of gravitation.” This simple thought lead to Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity, wherein space and time bend and curve. Unlike string theory, Light Time Dimension Theory acknowledges the fact that dimensions move, and it simply extends the general principle by stipulating that the fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c relative to the three spatial dimensions.
Proof of Light Time Dimension Theory’s principle of a fourth expanding dimension:
Proof of LTD’s principle:
1. The velocity of every object through spacetime is c.
2. The velocity of light through the three spatial dimensions is always c.
3. If light had any velocity through x4, light’s total velocity would not be c.
4. Ergo light remains stationary in x4.
5. Thus light tracks and traces the movement and character of x4.
6. As light is a spherically-symmetric, probabilistic wavefront expanding at c, x4 expands at the rate of c in a spherically-symmetric manner, distributing nonlocality.
The expansion of the fourth dimension is also implied by Einstein’s/Minkowski’s x4=ict, which can be rewritten as dx4/dt=ic, where it becomes even more apparent that x4 is expanding at the rate of c.