The Abstracts of McGucken’s Five Papers on Light, Time, Dimension Theory (2008–2013) and The McGucken Principle–The Fourh Dimension is Moving at the Rate of c Relative to the Three Spatial Dimensions dx4/dt=ic


2008: Time as an Emergent Phenomenon: Traveling Back to the Heroic Age of Physics (In Memory of John Archibald Wheeler)

Time as an Emergent Phenomenon: Traveling Back to the Heroic Age of Physics by Elliot McGucken

[deleted]Aug 25, 2008

Essay Abstract

In his 1912 Manuscript on Relativity, Einstein never stated that time is the fourth dimension, but rather he wrote x4 = ict. The fourth dimension is not time, but ict. Despite this, prominent physicists have oft equated time and the fourth dimension, leading to un-resolvable paradoxes and confusion regarding time’s physical nature, as physicists mistakenly projected properties of the three spatial dimensions onto a time dimension, resulting in curious concepts including frozen time and block universes in which the past and future are omni-present, thusly denying free will, while implying the possibility of time travel into the past, which visitors from the future have yet to verify. Beginning with the postulate that time is an emergent phenomenon resulting from a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, diverse phenomena from relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics are accounted for. Time dilation, the equivalence of mass and energy, nonlocality, wave-particle duality, and entropy are shown to arise from a common, deeper physical reality expressed with dx4/dt=ic. This postulate and equation, from which Einstein’s relativity is derived, presents a fundamental model accounting for the emergence of time, the constant velocity of light, the fact that the maximum velocity is c, and the fact that c is independent of the velocity of the source, as photons are but matter surfing a fourth expanding dimension. In general relativity, Einstein showed that the dimensions themselves could bend, curve, and move. The present theory extends this principle, postulating that the fourth dimension is moving independently of the three spatial dimensions, distributing locality and fathering time. This physical model underlies and accounts for time in quantum mechanics, relativity, and statistical mechanics, as well as entropy, the universe’s expansion, and time’s arrows.

Author Bio

“Dr. E” received a B.A. in physics from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in physics from UNC Chapel Hill, where his research on an artificial retina, which is now helping the blind see, appeared in Business Week and Popular Science and was awarded a Merrill Lynch Innovations Grant. While at Princeton, McGucken worked on projects concerning quantum mechanics and general relativity with the late John Wheeler, and the projects combined to form an appendix treating time as an emergent phenomenon in his dissertation. McGucken is writing a book for the Artistic Entrepreneurship & Technology ( curriculum he created.

2009: What is Ultimately Possible in Physics? Physics! A Hero’s Journey with Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Schrodinger, Bohr, and the Greats towards Moving Dimensions Theory. E pur si muove!

What is Ultimately Possible in Physics? Physics! A Hero’s Journey with Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Schrodinger, Bohr, and the Greats towards Moving Dimensions Theory. E pu

Dr. Elliot McGuckenSep 16, 2009

Essay Abstract

Over the past few decades prominent physicists have noted that physics has diverged away from its heroic journey defined by boldly describing, fathoming, and characterizing foundational truths of physical reality via simple, elegant, logically-consistent postulates and equations humbling themselves before empirical reality. Herein the spirit of physics is again exalted by the heroic words of the Greats — by Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and Schrodinger — the Founding Fathers upon whose shoulders physics stands. And from that pinnacle, a novel physical theory is proposed, complete with a novel physical model celebrating a hitherto unsung universal invariant and an equation reflecting the foundational physical reality of a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic, providing both the “elementary foundations” for relativity and QM’s “characteristic trait” — entanglement, and its nonlocal, probabilistic nature. From MDT’s experimentally-verified equation relativity is derived while time is unfrozen and free will exalted, while a physical model accounting for quantum nonlocality is presented. Entropy, Huygens’ Principle; the wave/particle, energy/mass, space/time, and E/B dualities; and time and all its arrows and asymmetries emerge from a common, foundational physical model. MDT exalts Einstein’s “empirical facts,” “naturalness,” and “logical simplicity.” For the first time in the history of relativity, change is woven into the fabric of space-time, and the timeless, ageless, nonlocal photon of Galileo’s/Einstein’s “empirical world” is explained via a foundational physical model, alongside the fact that c is both constant and the maximum velocity in the universe. The empirical GPS clocks’ time dilation/twins paradox is resolved by proposing a frame of absolute rest — the three spatial dimensions, and a frame of absolute motion — the fourth expanding dimension upon which ageless photons of zero rest mass surf; which underlie and give rise to Einstein’s Principle of Relativity.

Author Bio

“Dr. E” received a B.A. in physics from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in physics from UNC Chapel Hill, where his research on an artificial retina, which is now helping the blind see, appeared in NSF’s Frontiers and Popular Science and was awarded a Merrill Lynch Innovations Grant. While at Princeton, McGucken worked on projects concerning quantum mechanics and general relativity with the late John A. Wheeler, and the projects combined to form an appendix treating time as an emergent phenomenon in his dissertation. McGucken is writing a book curriculum he created: The Gold 45 Revolver: The Hero’s Journey.

2010–2011: On the Emergence of QM, Relativity, Entropy, Time, iħ, and ic from the Foundational, Physical Reality of a Fourth Dimension x4 Expanding with a Discrete (Digital) Wavelength lp at c Relative to Three Continuous (Analog) Spatial Dimensions

On the Emergence of QM, Relativity, Entropy, Time, iħ, and ic…

by Elliot McGucken

Dr. Elliot McGucken Feb 11, 2011

Essay Abstract

The photon is used to physically probe and trace the discrete, digital, dynamic nature of x4 as the quantum nature of physical measurement is examined, while the foundational papers of Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg, et al. are exalted, lead by Einstein’s statement that physics “starts from experience and ends in it.” In its simplest case, a photon oscillates while propagating at c as a probabilistic wave-front expanding through the three spatial dimensions in a spherically-symmetric manner, as demonstrated by the classic double-slit experiment, leading to the natural conclusion that x4, in which the photon remains stationary according to relativity, must thusly be oscillating and propagating at c as a spherically-symmetric expanding wavefront. Relativity informs us that all of a photon’s motion is through the three spatial dimensions, thusly dictating that the timeless, ageless photon remains stationary in the fourth dimension x4. As electromagnetic radiation (the photon) is quantized, while there is no evidence for quantum gravity, we may conclude that x4 is quantized and digital in nature, while the three spatial dimensions are continuous and analog in nature. qp-pq=iħ (Born & Heisenberg) and x4=ict or dx4/dt=ic (Einstein & Minkowski) are fundamental relationships of QM and relativity. Both equations have differentials on the left and an i on the right, as Bohr noted, suggesting that a foundational change is occurring in a “perpendicular” manner, implying a fourth moving dimension. qp-pq = iħ reflects the discrete increment and quantum action — ħ — that emerges from the dynamic, discretely parceled space-time geometry born by the discrete wavelength of x4’s expansion; while dx4/dt=ic, from which relativity and its postulates derive, sets the velocity of the expansion of x4 to c. A physical model encompassing both Einstein’s “elementary foundations” of relativity and Schrodinger’s “characteristic trait” of QM — entanglement — is presented.

Author Bio

In high school, theoretical physicist Dr. Elliot McGucken received the Bausch & Lomb Science Award, the William Tenney Scholar-Athlete Award, and the Judith Resnik Memorial Scholarship which helped him attend Princeton University. Dr. E’s Ph.D. research titled “Multiple unit artificial retina chipset to aid the visually impaired and enhanced holed-emitter CMOS phototransistors” received several Fight for Sight and NSF grants, as well as a Merrill Lynch Innovations award. The late J.A. Wheeler wrote, “More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken’s I have never seen in any senior or graduate student.”

2012: MDT’s dx4/dt=ic Triumphs Over the Wrong Physical Assumption that Time is a Dimension, Unfreezing Time and Answering Godel’s, Eddington’s, et al.’s Challenge, Providing a Mechanism for Emergent Change, Relativity, Nonlocality, Entanglement, and Time’s Arrows and Asymmetries

MDT’s dx4/dt=ic Triumphs Over the Wrong Physical Assumption That Time Is a Dimension by Elliot McGucken

Original Post


DDr. Elliot McGuckenAug 24, 2012

Essay Abstract

The wrong physical assumption that time is a dimension has inspired numerous non-physical, purely-speculative concepts over the past century including frozen time, block universes, and time machines allowing time travel into the past, while failing to account for empirically-observed, physical realities such as free will, change, time’s arrows and asymmetries, the second law of thermodynamics, nonlocality, entanglement, the equivalence of mass and energy, the maximum velocity of c, and the dynamic flow of time itself. Moving Dimension Theory’s correct interpretation of time advances physics by providing a physical model and mechanism for time’s arrows and asymmetries, relativity, nonlocality, and entanglement, while finally addressing Godel’s refutation of time and Eddington’s Challenge, and accounting for our low-entropy past and the vacuum’s dark energy. Time is not the fourth dimension x4, but rather, time, measured by the ticking seconds on a watch, is an entity that emerges because x4 is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions as described by x4=ict from Einstein’s 1912 Manuscript on Relativity , which we write as dx4/dt=ic so as to emphasize the universe’s fundamental flux. While time thus inherits properties of the fourth dimension x4, time is not x4. MDT fully agrees with the Standard Model while offering a profound new interpretation of time founded upon the physical reality of a fourth expanding dimension which resolves the EPR and Twins paradoxes, providing a physical model for QM’s nonlocality and entanglement alongside the foundations of relativity which Einstein yet sought. MDT is a great, simple unifier in the spirit of Einstein who stated, “A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended is its area of applicability.”

Author Bio

At Princeton Univeristy, the late J.A. Wheeler wrote, “More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken’s I have never seen in any senior or graduate student.” In high school, theoretical physicist Dr. Elliot McGucken received the Bausch & Lomb Science Award, the William Tenney Scholar-Athlete Award, and the Judith Resnik Memorial Scholarship which helped him attend Princeton University. Dr. E’s Ph.D. research titled “Multiple unit artificial retina chipset to aid the visually impaired and enhanced holed-emitter CMOS phototransistors” received several Fight for Sight and NSF grants, as well as a Merrill Lynch Innovations award.

2013: It from Bit or Bit From It? What is It? Honor! Where is the Wisdom we have lost in Information? Returning Wheeler’s Honor and Philo-Sophy — the Love of Wisdom — to Physics. by Dr. Elliot McGucken

Where is the Wisdom we have lost in Information? Returning Wheeler’s Honor and Philo-Sophy — the Love of Wisdom — to Physics. by Dr. Elliot McGucken

Dr. Elliot McGucken Jul 3, 2013

Essay Abstract

I walk into my Princeton advisor John Archibald Wheeler’s third-floor Jadwin Hall office one fine autumn afternoon to find him gazing out the window at October’s burning leaves. Wheeler senses my presence and slowly turns towards me, dressed in his crisp signature suit and tie, his fist lightly clenched. He solemnly states, “Today’s physics lacks the Noble,” his blue eyes smiling, “And it’s your generation’s duty to bring it back.” The following year (1990) Wheeler would hand me the booklet he had printed, called “It from Bit,” engraved with the quantum black hole on the cover. The book would inspire the “physics as information movement,” while Wheeler’s far greater call to adventure — to return honor to physics — would be lost in time, as it wasn’t quite as profitable as pursuits in the fiat-debt funded, dishonorable, ignoble realms of untestable, failed groupthink “physics.” The classical, exalted Spirit of physics, embodied by Wheeler and his teacher Bohr, his colleague Einstein, and his student Feynman, was sacrificed on the altar of fiat misinformation, as hundreds of millions of dollars disappeared down the black hole of the postmodern soul and progress in physics ground to a halt. Tragic as it might seem, the pseudo-physicists had to deny the heroic Spirit of Einstein, Bohr, Newton, Galileo, and Copernicus — of Wheeler and Feynam — and thus of Moving Dimensions Theory . And just as MDT first appeared in Dr. E’s artificial retina physics Ph.D. dissertation which is now helping the blind see, so too am I devoting myself to helping the world see the banished beauty and wisdom of Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Feynman, et al. The great J.A. Wheeler had called me to adventure with, “Today’s physics lacks the Noble, and it’s your generation’s duty to bring it back,” as wisdom — as philo-sophy — the love of wisdom — trumps mere information.

Author Bio

In high school, theoretical physicist Dr. Elliot McGucken received the Bausch & Lomb Science Award, the William Tenney Scholar-Athlete Award, and the Judith Resnik Memorial Scholarship which helped him attend Princeton University. Dr. E’s Ph.D. research titled “Multiple unit artificial retina chipset to aid the visually impaired and enhanced holed-emitter CMOS phototransistors” received several Fight for Sight and NSF grants, as well as a Merrill Lynch Innovations award. The late J.A. Wheeler wrote, “More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken’s I have never seen in any senior or graduate student.”

Part II The Papers

2008: Time as an Emergent Phenomenon: Traveling Back to the Heroic Age of Physics (In Memory of John Archibald Wheeler)

Time as an Emergent Phenomenon: Traveling Back to the Heroic Age of Physics by Elliot McGucken

[deleted]Aug 25, 2008

Essay Abstract

In his 1912 Manuscript on Relativity, Einstein never stated that time is the fourth dimension, but rather he wrote x4 = ict. The fourth dimension is not time, but ict. Despite this, prominent physicists have oft equated time and the fourth dimension, leading to un-resolvable paradoxes and confusion regarding time’s physical nature, as physicists mistakenly projected properties of the three spatial dimensions onto a time dimension, resulting in curious concepts including frozen time and block universes in which the past and future are omni-present, thusly denying free will, while implying the possibility of time travel into the past, which visitors from the future have yet to verify. Beginning with the postulate that time is an emergent phenomenon resulting from a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, diverse phenomena from relativity, quantum mechanics, and statistical mechanics are accounted for. Time dilation, the equivalence of mass and energy, nonlocality, wave-particle duality, and entropy are shown to arise from a common, deeper physical reality expressed with dx4/dt=ic. This postulate and equation, from which Einstein’s relativity is derived, presents a fundamental model accounting for the emergence of time, the constant velocity of light, the fact that the maximum velocity is c, and the fact that c is independent of the velocity of the source, as photons are but matter surfing a fourth expanding dimension. In general relativity, Einstein showed that the dimensions themselves could bend, curve, and move. The present theory extends this principle, postulating that the fourth dimension is moving independently of the three spatial dimensions, distributing locality and fathering time. This physical model underlies and accounts for time in quantum mechanics, relativity, and statistical mechanics, as well as entropy, the universe’s expansion, and time’s arrows.

Author Bio

“Dr. E” received a B.A. in physics from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in physics from UNC Chapel Hill, where his research on an artificial retina, which is now helping the blind see, appeared in Business Week and Popular Science and was awarded a Merrill Lynch Innovations Grant. While at Princeton, McGucken worked on projects concerning quantum mechanics and general relativity with the late John Wheeler, and the projects combined to form an appendix treating time as an emergent phenomenon in his dissertation. McGucken is writing a book for the Artistic Entrepreneurship & Technology ( curriculum he created.

2009: What is Ultimately Possible in Physics? Physics! A Hero’s Journey with Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Schrodinger, Bohr, and the Greats towards Moving Dimensions Theory. E pur si muove!

What is Ultimately Possible in Physics? Physics! A Hero’s Journey with Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Schrodinger, Bohr, and the Greats towards Moving Dimensions Theory. E pu

Dr. Elliot McGuckenSep 16, 2009

Essay Abstract

Over the past few decades prominent physicists have noted that physics has diverged away from its heroic journey defined by boldly describing, fathoming, and characterizing foundational truths of physical reality via simple, elegant, logically-consistent postulates and equations humbling themselves before empirical reality. Herein the spirit of physics is again exalted by the heroic words of the Greats — by Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, Planck, Einstein, Bohr, and Schrodinger — the Founding Fathers upon whose shoulders physics stands. And from that pinnacle, a novel physical theory is proposed, complete with a novel physical model celebrating a hitherto unsung universal invariant and an equation reflecting the foundational physical reality of a fourth dimension expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at the rate of c, or dx4/dt=ic, providing both the “elementary foundations” for relativity and QM’s “characteristic trait” — entanglement, and its nonlocal, probabilistic nature. From MDT’s experimentally-verified equation relativity is derived while time is unfrozen and free will exalted, while a physical model accounting for quantum nonlocality is presented. Entropy, Huygens’ Principle; the wave/particle, energy/mass, space/time, and E/B dualities; and time and all its arrows and asymmetries emerge from a common, foundational physical model. MDT exalts Einstein’s “empirical facts,” “naturalness,” and “logical simplicity.” For the first time in the history of relativity, change is woven into the fabric of space-time, and the timeless, ageless, nonlocal photon of Galileo’s/Einstein’s “empirical world” is explained via a foundational physical model, alongside the fact that c is both constant and the maximum velocity in the universe. The empirical GPS clocks’ time dilation/twins paradox is resolved by proposing a frame of absolute rest — the three spatial dimensions, and a frame of absolute motion — the fourth expanding dimension upon which ageless photons of zero rest mass surf; which underlie and give rise to Einstein’s Principle of Relativity.

Author Bio

“Dr. E” received a B.A. in physics from Princeton University and a Ph.D. in physics from UNC Chapel Hill, where his research on an artificial retina, which is now helping the blind see, appeared in NSF’s Frontiers and Popular Science and was awarded a Merrill Lynch Innovations Grant. While at Princeton, McGucken worked on projects concerning quantum mechanics and general relativity with the late John A. Wheeler, and the projects combined to form an appendix treating time as an emergent phenomenon in his dissertation. McGucken is writing a book curriculum he created: The Gold 45 Revolver: The Hero’s Journey.

2010–2011: On the Emergence of QM, Relativity, Entropy, Time, iħ, and ic from the Foundational, Physical Reality of a Fourth Dimension x4 Expanding with a Discrete (Digital) Wavelength lp at c Relative to Three Continuous (Analog) Spatial Dimensions

On the Emergence of QM, Relativity, Entropy, Time, iħ, and ic…

by Elliot McGucken

Dr. Elliot McGucken Feb 11, 2011

Essay Abstract

The photon is used to physically probe and trace the discrete, digital, dynamic nature of x4 as the quantum nature of physical measurement is examined, while the foundational papers of Planck, Bohr, Heisenberg, et al. are exalted, lead by Einstein’s statement that physics “starts from experience and ends in it.” In its simplest case, a photon oscillates while propagating at c as a probabilistic wave-front expanding through the three spatial dimensions in a spherically-symmetric manner, as demonstrated by the classic double-slit experiment, leading to the natural conclusion that x4, in which the photon remains stationary according to relativity, must thusly be oscillating and propagating at c as a spherically-symmetric expanding wavefront. Relativity informs us that all of a photon’s motion is through the three spatial dimensions, thusly dictating that the timeless, ageless photon remains stationary in the fourth dimension x4. As electromagnetic radiation (the photon) is quantized, while there is no evidence for quantum gravity, we may conclude that x4 is quantized and digital in nature, while the three spatial dimensions are continuous and analog in nature. qp-pq=iħ (Born & Heisenberg) and x4=ict or dx4/dt=ic (Einstein & Minkowski) are fundamental relationships of QM and relativity. Both equations have differentials on the left and an i on the right, as Bohr noted, suggesting that a foundational change is occurring in a “perpendicular” manner, implying a fourth moving dimension. qp-pq = iħ reflects the discrete increment and quantum action — ħ — that emerges from the dynamic, discretely parceled space-time geometry born by the discrete wavelength of x4’s expansion; while dx4/dt=ic, from which relativity and its postulates derive, sets the velocity of the expansion of x4 to c. A physical model encompassing both Einstein’s “elementary foundations” of relativity and Schrodinger’s “characteristic trait” of QM — entanglement — is presented.

Author Bio

In high school, theoretical physicist Dr. Elliot McGucken received the Bausch & Lomb Science Award, the William Tenney Scholar-Athlete Award, and the Judith Resnik Memorial Scholarship which helped him attend Princeton University. Dr. E’s Ph.D. research titled “Multiple unit artificial retina chipset to aid the visually impaired and enhanced holed-emitter CMOS phototransistors” received several Fight for Sight and NSF grants, as well as a Merrill Lynch Innovations award. The late J.A. Wheeler wrote, “More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken’s I have never seen in any senior or graduate student.”

2012: MDT’s dx4/dt=ic Triumphs Over the Wrong Physical Assumption that Time is a Dimension, Unfreezing Time and Answering Godel’s, Eddington’s, et al.’s Challenge, Providing a Mechanism for Emergent Change, Relativity, Nonlocality, Entanglement, and Time’s Arrows and Asymmetries

MDT’s dx4/dt=ic Triumphs Over the Wrong Physical Assumption That Time Is a Dimension by Elliot McGucken

Original Post


DDr. Elliot McGuckenAug 24, 2012

Essay Abstract

The wrong physical assumption that time is a dimension has inspired numerous non-physical, purely-speculative concepts over the past century including frozen time, block universes, and time machines allowing time travel into the past, while failing to account for empirically-observed, physical realities such as free will, change, time’s arrows and asymmetries, the second law of thermodynamics, nonlocality, entanglement, the equivalence of mass and energy, the maximum velocity of c, and the dynamic flow of time itself. Moving Dimension Theory’s correct interpretation of time advances physics by providing a physical model and mechanism for time’s arrows and asymmetries, relativity, nonlocality, and entanglement, while finally addressing Godel’s refutation of time and Eddington’s Challenge, and accounting for our low-entropy past and the vacuum’s dark energy. Time is not the fourth dimension x4, but rather, time, measured by the ticking seconds on a watch, is an entity that emerges because x4 is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions as described by x4=ict from Einstein’s 1912 Manuscript on Relativity , which we write as dx4/dt=ic so as to emphasize the universe’s fundamental flux. While time thus inherits properties of the fourth dimension x4, time is not x4. MDT fully agrees with the Standard Model while offering a profound new interpretation of time founded upon the physical reality of a fourth expanding dimension which resolves the EPR and Twins paradoxes, providing a physical model for QM’s nonlocality and entanglement alongside the foundations of relativity which Einstein yet sought. MDT is a great, simple unifier in the spirit of Einstein who stated, “A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is, the more different kinds of things it relates, and the more extended is its area of applicability.”

Author Bio

At Princeton Univeristy, the late J.A. Wheeler wrote, “More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken’s I have never seen in any senior or graduate student.” In high school, theoretical physicist Dr. Elliot McGucken received the Bausch & Lomb Science Award, the William Tenney Scholar-Athlete Award, and the Judith Resnik Memorial Scholarship which helped him attend Princeton University. Dr. E’s Ph.D. research titled “Multiple unit artificial retina chipset to aid the visually impaired and enhanced holed-emitter CMOS phototransistors” received several Fight for Sight and NSF grants, as well as a Merrill Lynch Innovations award.

2013: It from Bit or Bit From It? What is It? Honor! Where is the Wisdom we have lost in Information? Returning Wheeler’s Honor and Philo-Sophy — the Love of Wisdom — to Physics. by Dr. Elliot McGucken

Where is the Wisdom we have lost in Information? Returning Wheeler’s Honor and Philo-Sophy — the Love of Wisdom — to Physics. by Dr. Elliot McGucken

Dr. Elliot McGucken Jul 3, 2013

Essay Abstract

I walk into my Princeton advisor John Archibald Wheeler’s third-floor Jadwin Hall office one fine autumn afternoon to find him gazing out the window at October’s burning leaves. Wheeler senses my presence and slowly turns towards me, dressed in his crisp signature suit and tie, his fist lightly clenched. He solemnly states, “Today’s physics lacks the Noble,” his blue eyes smiling, “And it’s your generation’s duty to bring it back.” The following year (1990) Wheeler would hand me the booklet he had printed, called “It from Bit,” engraved with the quantum black hole on the cover. The book would inspire the “physics as information movement,” while Wheeler’s far greater call to adventure — to return honor to physics — would be lost in time, as it wasn’t quite as profitable as pursuits in the fiat-debt funded, dishonorable, ignoble realms of untestable, failed groupthink “physics.” The classical, exalted Spirit of physics, embodied by Wheeler and his teacher Bohr, his colleague Einstein, and his student Feynman, was sacrificed on the altar of fiat misinformation, as hundreds of millions of dollars disappeared down the black hole of the postmodern soul and progress in physics ground to a halt. Tragic as it might seem, the pseudo-physicists had to deny the heroic Spirit of Einstein, Bohr, Newton, Galileo, and Copernicus — of Wheeler and Feynam — and thus of Moving Dimensions Theory . And just as MDT first appeared in Dr. E’s artificial retina physics Ph.D. dissertation which is now helping the blind see, so too am I devoting myself to helping the world see the banished beauty and wisdom of Copernicus, Newton, Einstein, Bohr, Feynman, et al. The great J.A. Wheeler had called me to adventure with, “Today’s physics lacks the Noble, and it’s your generation’s duty to bring it back,” as wisdom — as philo-sophy — the love of wisdom — trumps mere information.

Author Bio

In high school, theoretical physicist Dr. Elliot McGucken received the Bausch & Lomb Science Award, the William Tenney Scholar-Athlete Award, and the Judith Resnik Memorial Scholarship which helped him attend Princeton University. Dr. E’s Ph.D. research titled “Multiple unit artificial retina chipset to aid the visually impaired and enhanced holed-emitter CMOS phototransistors” received several Fight for Sight and NSF grants, as well as a Merrill Lynch Innovations award. The late J.A. Wheeler wrote, “More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken’s I have never seen in any senior or graduate student.”



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