Dr. Elliot McGucken dx4/dt=ic Light, Time, Dimension Theory
The McGucken Equation dx4/dt=ic Represents the Expansion of the Fourth Dimension at the Velocity of Light, Which Naturally Gives Us the Spacetime Metric and thus All of Relativity.
Posted byepicstoicphilosophyDecember 13, 2019Posted inUncategorized
Regarding the award-winning physicist Dr. Elliot McGucken at Princeton University, the late John Archibald Wheeler stated, “More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken’s I have never seen in any senior or graduate student. . . Originality, powerful motivation, and a can-do spirit make me think that McGucken is a top bet.”
Leonardo da Vinci: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
At long last, a simple, foundational theory has risen above the fray so as to finally unify relativity and quantum mechanics in a simple, physical model premised upon the principle of a fourth expanding dimension. This heavily-illustrated book delights in deriving all of Einstein’s relativity, both intuitively and mathematically, from LTD Theory’s simple postulate and equation. Unlike many other books, it takes us beyond the stringy swamp to new, pristine territory where simple postulates and principles again reign supreme, as they did throughout the original development of quantum mechanics and relativity. In the grand spirit of Einstein, the book celebrates the simplicity of physics, and thus makes for a straightforward, exalting read for the expert and layman alike.
Albert Einstein: A theory is the more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premises (LTD Theory’s principle of the fourth expanding dimension), the more different are the kinds of things it relates (relativity, the quantum, time, the second law of thermodynamics, dark matter, dark energy, entanglement) and the more extended the range of its applicability.
Arthur Schopenhauer: Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.
Few know that Einstein yet sought a deeper foundation for his relativity. Regarding relativity, Einstein wrote, “A physical theory can be satisfactory only if its structures are composed of elementary foundations. The theory of relativity is ultimately as little satisfactory as, for example, classical thermodynamics was before Boltzmann had interpreted the entropy as probability.”
At long last, Light Time Dimension Theory hath found the elementary foundations underlying not only relativity, but all of quantum mechanics too, as well as time and its arrows and asymmetries. As physics has ever been furthered via *physical* principles and postulates, as opposed to string theory press releases, LTD Theory exalts the hitherto unsung postulate of a fourth expanding dimension given by dx4/dt=ic. And the very heavens open up.
By the end of this book, you will see how LTD Theory replaces Einstein’s two postulates of relativity with a simpler, more foundational principle of nature — the universal invariant of the fourth expanding dimension also seen in LTD Theory’s simple equation dx4/dt=ic. And you will see that this principle has the added benefit of also providing a simple, natural, *physical* mechanism for quantum mechanics, time, and the second law of thermodynamics.
The fast-paced book takes the reader on a fantastic odyssey beginning with the simple, intuitive proofs that light remains stationary in the fourth dimension, leading to the remarkable fact that the fourth dimension is expanding relative to the three spatial dimensions at c. Einstein’s drawing of the light cone is celebrated alongside all the aspects of relativity it exalts. And too, quite remarkably, for the first time in the history of physics, the foundations of quantum mechanics are also seen in the nonlocal expansion of the light cone.
Einstein’s simple, intuitive derivations of the Lorentz transformations are shared and discussed. And it is shown that the Lorentz transformations, and thus all of relativity, naturally emerge from LTD’s deeper principle of a fourth expanding dimension, right alongside the quantum and time and all her one-way arrows.
Unlike the dominant string theory and multiverse mania, LTD Theory exalts in simple postulates, principles, and equations.
Regarding the award-winning physicist Dr. Elliot McGucken at Princeton University, the late John Archibald Wheeler stated, “More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken’s I have never seen in any senior or graduate student. . . Originality, powerful motivation, and a can-do spirit make me think that McGucken is a top bet.”
Dr. E would go on to heal the blind with his NSF-funded, award-winning Ph.D. dissertation which also laid down the foundations of Light Time Dimension Theory. Over the years, LTD Theory added foundational *physical* postulates, principles, and equations en route to becoming numerous books, with this one forming the simple, illustrated introduction.
In this commonsense volume penned for the layman and advanced scientist alike, Dr. E’s LTD Theory provides a unifying, foundational *physical* model underlying relativity, quantum mechanics, time and all its arrows and asymmetries, and the second law of thermodynamics. The detailed diagrams demonstrate that the great mysteries of quantum mechanical nonlocality, entanglement, and probability naturally arise from the very same principle that fosters relativity alongside light’s constant velocity, the equivalence of mass and energy, and time dilation.
One fine afternoon while Dr. E was lunching with J.A. Wheeler at the Princeton Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), a bespectacled gentleman joined them. Wheeler introduced the fellow as Ed Witten–one of the leading pioneers of string theory and inventor of M-theory. Dr. E had been contemplating pursuing string theory, but there were some finer details he could not wrap his head around. “Great!” Dr. E thought to himself, “This guy can help me along my odyssey!”
So halfway through lunch Dr. E asked Dr. Witten, “What are string theory’s postulates, principles, and equations?”
Witten thought about it, smiled, and said, that well, it depended on who you asked, and well, it was a young theory.
So Dr. E followed up with, “When do you think string theory might get postulates, principles, and equations?” Ed stopped smiling.
And so, instead of studying string theory, Dr. E pursued LTD Theory on that “road less taken,” healing the blind along the way with his award-winning dissertation titled Multiple Unit Artificial Retina Chipset to Aid the Visually Impaired and Enhanced CMOS Phototransistors. In the latter part of the dissertation, Dr. E placed the first iteration of LTD Theory, born of his days studying with the great PJE Peebles, Nobel Laureate Joseph Taylor, and J.A. Wheeler. Like Einstein and Feynman, they were all rugged, kind, intense men who valued hands-on physics and *physical* reality over mere math and mysticism–over spurious speculation and outlandish hype.
Unlike string theory, inflation, multiverse mania, and LQG, LTD Theory is a *physical* theory in the spirit of Copernicus, Galileo, Newton, Faraday, Maxwell, and Einstein. At Princeton Dr. E learned to think of the geometry of spacetime as a physical entity which could bend, curve, and move. He learned to think of the photon as a real, physical entity described as probabilistic, spherically-symmetric wavefront expanding at velocity c. Dr. E learned to think of entanglement as a real, *physical* effect connecting distant entities in an instantaneous relationship, and he learned to think of the second law of thermodynamics not as a mere mathematical formula, but as a foundational, physical law governing the universe. And by thinking of these diverse phenomena in terms of *physical* pictures, Dr. E conceived of LTD Theory–the simple, physical model common to them all.
How do light, time, the quantum, and relativity all emerge from LTD Theory? Enjoy this epic odyssey as you realize the deeper, foundational, unifying, *physical* model! And too, the book is graced with Dr. E’s fine art landscape photography offering a parallel *physical* celebration of light and time.
ALBERT EINSTEIN: A theory is the more impressive the greater the simplicity of its premises is (dx4/dt=ic), the more different kinds of things it relates (quantum mechanics, relativity, time’s arrows, entanglement, nonlocality, the second law of thermodynamics) and the more extended is its area of applicability.
1. The magnitude of the velocity of every object through the four dimensions of spacetime is c.
2. The faster an object moves through the three spatial dimensions, the slower it moves through the fourth dimension.
3. As an object’s velocity approaches c through the three spatial dimensions, its velocity through the fourth dimension must
approach zero.
4. Ergo light remains stationary in the fourth dimension x4.
5. Thus photons of light track and trace the movement and character of x4.
6. As light is a spherically-symmetric, probabilistic wavefront expanding at c, x4 expands at the rate of c in a spherically-
symmetric manner, distributing locality into nonlocality.
Einstein/Minkowski wrote x4=ict, naturally implying dx4/dt=ic.
GALILEO: In the sciences the authority of thousands of opinions is not worth as much as one tiny spark of reason in an individual man.
Galileo was persecuted for stating that the earth moves around the sun. After being forced to recant his view before the Inquisition, legend has it that he whispered “And yet it moves (E pur si muove”),” as he walked away from his sentencing. And so it is that proposing a hitherto unrecognized motion, such as the motion of the fourth dimension relative to the three spatial dimensions, is a most dangerous and rebellious thing. Thankfully we have formal Logic, Geometry, and Mathematics on our side. And too, we have the empirical observations spanning physical phenomena in quantum mechanics, relativity, the second law of thermodynamics, and time and all its arrows and asymmetries.
Light Time Dimension Theory
The Foundational Physics Unifying Einstein’s Relativity and Quantum Mechanics
A Simple, Illustrated Introduction to the Physical Model of the Fourth Expanding Dimension
John Archibald Wheeler: “More intellectual curiosity, versatility and yen for physics than Elliot McGucken’s I have never seen in any senior or graduate student. . . Originality, powerful motivation, and a can-do spirit make me think that McGucken is a top bet. “(J.A. Wheeler, Princeton Joseph Henry Professor of Physics)
Albert Einstein: A theory is the more impressive the greater is the simplicity of its premises (dx4/dt=ic), the more different are the kinds of things it relates (relativity, the quantum, time, the second law of thermodynamics, dark matter, dark energy, entanglement) and the more extended the range of its applicability.
© Dr. Elliot McGucken 2016
45EPIC Hero’s Odyssey Mythology Press
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Leonardo da Vinci: Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
Albert Einstein: Look deep, deep into nature, and then you will understand everything better.
Arthur Schopenhauer: Talent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.
Albert Einstein: All physical theories, their mathematical expressions apart, ought to lend themselves to so simple a description that even a child could understand them. (quoted in conversation with Louis de Broglie).
Come celebrate light and time (dx4/dt=ic) in Dr. E’s fine art photography @fineartballet, @elliotmcgucken, @45surf, @goldennumberratio Dr. E signs all his art with dx4/dt=ic, and the equation appears on all the clothing of his 45SURF Hero’s Odyssey Mythology surf line and surfboards!
Aristotle: All men suppose that what is called wisdom deals with the first causes and the principles of things. — Aristotle in Metaphysics
Nobel Laureate Albert Szent-Györgyi: Scientific discovery consists of seeing what everyone else has seen, but thinking what no one else has thought.
In the pursuit of first principles and the hitherto unsung physical cause of relativity, time, and quantum mechanics, LTD Theory again exalts Einstein’s two pillars of Western Science — logic and experiment. That which the fiat-debt-funded multimillionaire multiverse maniacs and failed string theorists demolished and deconstructed are resurrected in this book. That which the builders of braneworlds cast aside became the keystone for this humble tome. That which the false suitors dismissed and exiled are celebrated via a glorious “Return of the King” story culminating in the triumph of LTD Theory — a foundational, physical model built upon simple, elegant, logical proofs coupled with rational empiricism.
Albert Einstein: The development of Western Science is based on two great achievements, the invention of the formal logical system (in Euclidean geometry) by the Greek philosophers, and the discovery of the possibility to find out causal relationships by systematic experiment (Renaissance).
Throughout these books, McGucken’s simple LTD Sphere explains Feynman’s, Bohr’s, and Young’s double slit experiments in a simple, intuitive manner.
As illustrated in the sphere centered upon Huygens’ candle above, the fourth dimension expands at the rate of c, carrying photons while fathering time and all its arrows and asymmetries, relativity, and quantum nonlocality, entanglement, and probability — all unified via dx4/dt=ic.
Bohr and Einstein debating the quantum in 1925.
At long last, LTD Theory unites the quantum and relativity in a simple, physical model born of my Princeton days working with Bohr’s student, Einstein’s colleague, and Feynman’s teacher — the late J.A. Wheeler.
As Hermann Weyl noted, all of relativity may be derived from the Minkowski Spacetime metric given by the fourth expanding dimension dx4/dt=ic, whence our coordinates of spacetime become x1, x2, x3, x4 where x4=ict.
The McGucken Principle: The fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c relative to the three spatial dimensions.
The McGucken Equation: dx4/dt=ic
The McGucken Postulate: The constancy of the velocity of light c is set via the expansion of the fourth dimension.
Proof of Light Time Dimension Theory’s Principle: The fourth dimension is expanding at the rate of c relative to the three spatial dimensions, as given by Einstein’s x4=ict which means exactly this: dx4/dt=ic.